CFAES Give Today
OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Fair Entry Logo

We will once again be using the online entry platform, “Fair Entry” to create entries for each project to be exhibited at the fair. These entries are due by 4:00 pm on June 18.  4-H Families will access the Fair Entry registration site (not the 4-H Online website) using the green "Sign in with 4-H Online" button and their 4-H Online login email address and password. FFA members who are also in 4-H or have siblings in 4-H will use the family's 4-H Online login information to submit entries.  FFA members who are not in 4-H and don’t have siblings in 4-H will use the blue "Sign in with Fair Entry" login to create an account in Fair Entry to submit their entries.  Please review the instructions linked below before logging in to Fair Entry to submit your entries.

Fair Entry Registration Link

once the "Submit" button is clicked, those entries must be approved Before logging in again to add or edit entries or additional exhibitors!

You will need to have the following information ready when you log-in to Fair Entry:

  • All Exhibitors in your family unit (who will be showing at the Union County Fair)
  • All Entries 
    • 4-H Projects (Woodworking Photography, Food & Nutrition, etc.)
    • Livestock Classes
    • Showmanship
    • Skillathon
  • All the animals which will be shown
    • Name or Tag information of the Animal
once the submit button has been clicked, you will not be able to add or edit entries or add Exhibitors until those entries are approved by the office!

Detailed instructions can be found at the links below:

Additional information that will be necessary to locate class numbers: