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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences




Cloverbuds is a 4-H Program for Kindergarten through 2nd grade. Cloverbuds follow the 4-H “learn by doing” tradition. At monthly meetings Cloverbuds practice life skills while having fun. Meetings will explore different 4-H topics and may include: active learning games, make and take activities, singing, 4-H pledge and more!
Who:   Any child who is age 5 AND in Kindergarten through 2nd grade is eligible to join Cloverbuds.
Where: The meetings will be held at the Union County Extension Office (OSUE), 18000 State Route 4, Marysville, in the Buckeye Meeting Room.
When: 2025 Meeting Dates
           Choose Tuesday or Wednesday:
             Tuesday, January 28th
             Tuesday, February 25th
             Tuesday,March 18th
             Tuesday, April 22nd
             Tuesday, May 27th
            Wednesday, January 29th
            Wednesday, February 26th
            Wednesday, March 19th                                                                                     
            Wednesday, April 23rd
            Wednesday, May 28th
Time:   Session 1: 5:00 - 6:15  
            Session 2: 6:30 - 7:40 
Cost:    $50.00
Deadline: January 20th, 2025 or until registration is full.

Click Here to Register

To Register:

  1. Complete the Cloverbud registration survey at the link above and pay dues via credit/debit card.
  2. Payment must be submitted at the time of registration. (Your Cloverbud's spot will not be held if payment is not made)
  3. Open your registration Confirmation email and click on the link to finish enrolling your Cloverbud in the Union County 4-H Program by completing the their 4-H ONLINE enrollment. Be sure to upload a photo of your child to 4-H Online. For instructions on how to enroll in 4-H Online Click Here
  4. You will then recieve a 4-H Online Confirmation email.

OSU Extension Office Union County

18000 State Route 4, Suite E

Marysville, OH 43040

For more information or questions, please call 937-644-8117 or send a email to or