Cloverbuds is a 4-H Program for Kindergarten through 2nd grade. Cloverbuds follow the 4-H “learn by doing” tradition. At monthly meetings Cloverbuds practice life skills while having fun. Meetings will explore different 4-H topics and may include: active learning games, make and take activities, singing, 4-H pledge and more!
Who: Any child who is age 5 AND in Kindergarten through 2nd grade is eligible to join Cloverbuds.
Where: The meetings will be held at the Union County Extension Office (OSUE), 18000 State Route 4, Marysville, in the Buckeye Meeting Room.

When: 2025 Meeting Dates
Choose Tuesday or Wednesday:
Tuesday, January 28th
Tuesday, February 25th
Tuesday,March 18th
Tuesday, April 22nd
Tuesday, May 27th
Wednesday, January 29th
Wednesday, February 26th
Wednesday, March 19th
Wednesday, April 23rd
Wednesday, May 28th
Time: Session 1: 5:00 - 6:15
Session 2: 6:30 - 7:40
Cost: $50.00
Deadline: January 20th, 2025 or until registration is full.
To Register:
- Complete the Cloverbud registration survey at the link above and pay dues via credit/debit card.
- Payment must be submitted at the time of registration. (Your Cloverbud's spot will not be held if payment is not made)
- Open your registration Confirmation email and click on the link to finish enrolling your Cloverbud in the Union County 4-H Program by completing the their 4-H ONLINE enrollment. Be sure to upload a photo of your child to 4-H Online. For instructions on how to enroll in 4-H Online Click Here
- You will then recieve a 4-H Online Confirmation email.
OSU Extension Office Union County
18000 State Route 4, Suite E
Marysville, OH 43040
For more information or questions, please call 937-644-8117 or send a email to kramer.578@osu.edu or bobb.37@osu.edu.