The January 24 program will feature Dr. Jeff Stachler, Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator in Auglaize County. Stachler received his Ph.D. in Weed Science and has worked out of state before coming back to Ohio to serve as a county extension educator. Stachler will address New Weed Control Options such as the Roundup Ready 2 Xtend program and other new pesticide programs to help farmers control problem weeds such as marestail, giant ragweed, waterhemp, and Palmer amaranth. His talk will discuss using fall or spring burndowns, pre-emerge, post-emerge, and use of residuals to help control problem weeds in soybeans and corn.
The Conservation Tillage Club breakfast program series is jointly sponsored by OSU Extension and the Soil and Water Conservation Districts of Hardin, Logan, and Union Counties, and in cooperation with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Breakfast is provided by the generous support of agricultural lenders and agricultural businesses. All events are open to the public and no advance registration is required. Continuing education credits for Certified Crop Advisers is pending.